Systematic defects and mistakes in modern chinese and western medical system

First tell a story:

Once upon a time, there was a patient who had been looking for a doctor to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor because of a disease. One day, the patient came to see the doctor for medicine as usual. It happened that the doctor was away for several days, and only the doctor’s son was there. The patient said, your father is a doctor. You know something about him. Please show me. According to the knowledge that his father usually taught him, the son quickly wrote a prescription and asked the patient to take the medicine back with him. Unexpectedly, a few days later, the patient came to the door with a gift to thank him. He had taken the medicine prescribed by his son and recovered quickly. The patient praised the little doctor and said that his success was better than his success. The little doctor was also very happy.

A few days later, when the doctor came back, his son said to him, Father, how can you treat such a simple disease for such a long time. The patient has recovered after taking the medicine I prescribed. The doctor asked about the situation, patted his son’s head and said, “Who asked you to cure him? You should know that your tuition fees in recent years are earned by the patient’s drug fees.”.

This is a story, but also a joke, with tears in laughter. After reading it, you should lament 5000 years of Chinese medicine culture.

What we are talking about here is the systematic defects of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The medicine is used to support the doctor, and the examination fee is used to support the doctor. Nowadays, the medical technology is developed, and the operation, radiation and chemical recuperation medicine are also used to make profits.

The little doctor’s son will be dismissed the next day if he goes to any large and medium-sized hospital in China and prescribes a prescription for the patient. If every doctor in the hospital did this, the hospital would be unable to maintain and close down.

Seeing this, we can understand why it takes more than ten chemotherapy courses to treat a cancer, and why it is surgery to see a tumor. Because, the little doctor’s son has left, and he has been living among the people. Those who stay are those who can open chemotherapy courses, perform surgery, open various examinations, and are willing to kill.

The 5000 year development of TCM determines its systematic defects and mistakes. At the end of my study, I looked through some books on traditional Chinese medicine and often felt like crying while reading. 5000 years of human culture and 5000 years of suffering people died in vain because of the defects of this medical system. These books of traditional Chinese medicine, even the four medical classics, are often thousands of miles away from the topic, full of absurd words and bitter tears.

Venerable Master Xuanhua once explained why he wanted to translate Buddhist scriptures into foreign languages. He said, “I don’t think these great virtues of the ancestors wanted to promote Buddhism and spread it to other countries. Therefore, they didn’t do the translation work.”. The main idea of the original words is this.

To borrow this aphorism, we probably think that these ancient Chinese medical great virtues probably did not want to cure patients’ diseases. Therefore, they treat patients with headache, foot pain, and foot pain. They focus on the matter, and are obsessed with studying Chinese medicine and prescriptions, rather than thinking about improving patients’ physique, telling them how not to get sick, or self healing methods when they get sick. In this way, doctors can live on the medicine and continue the medical system by studying traditional Chinese medicine and prescriptions and letting patients take medicine, so that the disciples and grandchildren of these great virtues of Chinese medicine can have a bite to eat with this golden rice bowl.

Among them, there are also some conscientious people who try to change these situations. However, there was no reform system and ecology at that time, so the change was only a very small part, affecting a very small number of people. However, such an attempt is really a doctor’s conscience.

About 1800 years ago, Hua Tuo, a famous physician in the Eastern Han Dynasty, witnessed a large number of patients, but his independence was limited, so he created a set of five animal operas for his disciples to learn and teach to the public. Many patients practice this every day, and indeed many diseases have been solved. Most of Hua Tuo’s disciples are healthy and live a long life because they learn medicine and practice the Five Animal Opera. It is said that Wu Pu and Fan A, disciples of Hua Tuo, practiced five animal operas. They were still deaf and clear when they were more than 100 years old, and their teeth were solid.

About 1500 years ago, Dharma, the founder of Zen, came to China from India and began the evolution of the original Zen. When Dharma Ancestor came to Shaolin Temple in Song Mountain, he saw that many monks were sick and weak, so he taught martial arts to the public to strengthen their health. Monks practice kung fu and keep fit in their spare time every day. Their bodies become better and better. Finally, they develop the Shaolin Temple’s characteristics of both Zen and martial arts. Because of this reason, together with Jin Yong’s novels and the publicity of the film Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Temple is famous for its Shaolin martial arts.

Taoist practitioners often teach people the methods of self-cultivation and self-cultivation, so as to achieve physical and mental clarity, longevity and health.

This is the truth that it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. This is the true meaning of medical treatment.

As the above said, where are these people with conscience, the doctor’s youngest son? It turned out that it was wandering among the people and hiding in Taoism. These methods of health preservation and treatment were studied and disseminated in a small scale, so that the real Chinese medical treatment, the 5000 year old lifeline and essence of Chinese medical treatment, could be continued.

At the end of the book, I looked at Laozi’s Tao Te Ching, and basically talked about Laozi’s idea of governing by doing nothing and conforming to the law of heaven. There is very little space for specific medical treatment and health preservation. The Taoist health preserving ideas and methods, which were founded and developed by later generations, are actually the Taoist medical culture created in the name of Laozi, based on 5000 years of Chinese health preserving and healing wisdom. Among them, such as martial arts, traditional Qigong, meditation, external alchemy and internal alchemy are typical traditional medical methods, which have no direct connection with Tao Te Ching.

The religious nature of Taoism determines that it can maintain the development of this medical system through the support and donation of believers, so it is fortunate to inherit the Chinese medical civilization.

Nowadays, the new natural therapy we propose involves traditional therapy, and to a large extent, it quotes and inherits the wisdom of Taoist doctors. It also actively absorbs the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. Although traditional Chinese medicine, as mentioned above, does not want to solve human diseases, combining the essence of traditional Chinese medicine with the idea of new natural therapy can turn the decay of traditional Chinese medicine into magic and add to its strength.

For example, a patient often goes to bed after eating, and the accumulated food leads to gastritis, so he goes to the hospital to see a doctor. Find a western medicine and give some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Find a traditional Chinese medicine and give it some herbs that can soothe the stomach and strengthen the spleen. If the patient is lucky, find a Taoist doctor or find a new natural therapy. He was instructed to walk a hundred paces after three meals and digest. Exercise regularly. If the patient obeys, he will naturally recover without medicine in a few days. The treatment was ordinary and not worth 30 cents. However, if the patient’s gastritis continues to develop without receiving the new natural therapy, western medicine will start the operation they are best at, cutting off the whole stomach and spleen, with the operation cost of 50000 yuan. Then chemotherapy, 20 courses, each course of 10000 yuan. In the end, the western doctor put his hands together and said, “Why don’t you try traditional Chinese medicine?”. If the patient goes to Chinese medicine at the beginning, the Chinese medicine doctor will prescribe some medicine to strengthen the stomach and eliminate constipation. He will tell the patient to pay attention to his diet and not eat indiscriminately. The patient was grateful and thought that the Chinese medicine was really kind. A pair of medicine cost more than ten yuan, which was much better than those western medicine that killed people. Eating it also had some effect. In the days that followed, it was natural to go back and forth frequently to support the doctor’s son. As the Chinese medicine did not guide the patients to straighten up their body and mind and remove the source of the disease, the patient’s condition was delayed, and most of the patients’ conditions would continue to develop, transfer, and minor diseases would lead to serious diseases. Finally, the patient had no choice but to find the Western Hospital and plead for help first.

There is a saying in the society that “Western medicine makes people die plainly, while Chinese medicine makes people die foolishly”. It is exactly the portrayal of this social medical malpractice.

Look, is it sad to cry at the same time?

Yes, when a doctor with a conscience, he should often cry. Often ask patients why they don’t come to us earlier. When the stomach was cut, the uterus was cut, the ovaries were removed, the breasts were cut, and the tumors spread and transferred, they came to us. The patient also weeps. We ordinary people, of course, go to the big hospital first if we are ill. Then he wailed.

Such a cry, there will be another. Following the new natural therapy advocated and followed by us, the patients are fully recovered, and all the major and minor problems of the whole body are recovered. When their physique is even far beyond that of ordinary people, the patients often cry with joy. They can’t believe that their diseases and sufferings for decades can be solved at one time. It is not only solved, but also completely cured, so as to achieve a state of physical and mental peace, relaxation, happiness and harmony. Why don’t you cry? First, you cry for your recovery, and second, you cry for the wrong way you’ve gone.

Chinese medicine doctors and western doctors with conscience, seeing here, naturally feel like being cut by a knife. They are ashamed. However, we must face the problem squarely, join hands, and jointly plan to trigger a revolution in medical care. In the limited life, we should start the process of happiness for future generations, so as not to make life empty and not to make life bitter.

At the end of 2016, the State Council issued a circular, “Several Opinions of the Leading Group of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System on Further Promoting the Experience of Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System”, requiring the establishment of a new mechanism for the operation of public hospitals, the elimination of drug mark ups in all public hospitals, and the establishment of a modern hospital management system.

This is the call of the times, the progress of social conscience, and the self reform initiated by the country from the highest level, aware of the huge problems of the past medical system.

To put it simply, let hospitals gradually stop profiting from medical expenses and increase doctors’ diagnosis and treatment costs. Let patients eat less unnecessary drugs, take less unnecessary drops, and perform fewer operations. Let the doctor tell the patient in a little detail how to treat, how to maintain health, and how to pay attention to diet and life.

This is progress. However, the progress is too small, and the scientific advisory medical model is far from being achieved.

A few days ago, the last study space released a case that a patient who was diagnosed with cervical bone cancer, unwilling to be replaced with spinal bone, went to the United States to seek treatment, and spent about 300000 yuan before and after. They didn’t take a few pills, didn’t take a drop, didn’t suffer from chemotherapy, didn’t need to change bones, and basically recovered and returned home. Of the medical expenses of more than 300000 yuan, more than 200000 yuan is the consultant fee for doctors. It’s probably like this. If you give enough money to doctors, and doctors and hospitals earn enough, you won’t be wronged.

However, this patient has been wronged. If Youfu returns to us and finds a new natural therapy, we will still open a way of 30 cents. We will charge some consultant fees and teaching fees to recover quickly and cure the disease with all our heart. If the patient obeys his orders, he will never suffer from cancer again, and he will live a healthy, safe and long life. However, according to the medical methods in the United States, patients still have a high probability of metastasis and recurrence. Because the western medicine method still can not fundamentally solve the problem. Therefore, doctors in the United States still instruct them to return to the local place for regular visits and examinations.

There must be a reason for illness. Buddhism says cause and effect, and philosophy also says cause and effect. If there is no cause, where will the fruit come from. The cause begets this fruit, and this fruit must have another cause.

There must be a reason for the disease, which is called: one drink, one eat, one sit, one think.

All diseases are not separated from improper diet, travel, sitting and lying disorder, and thinking cognition deviates from the normal way. Disease, born from this, should be solved from this. Only in this way can we achieve great success.

The main road is simple and the main road is true. In general, there is often only a layer of window paper. This layer of window paper is not worth 30 cents. The key is whether you can get lucky, get close to good knowledge, and indicate the direction from the sea of suffering. He who has won will pass through the door lightly and escape from suffering. Those who fail to win will be beaten to death and even lose your life in vain.

So, what is the new natural therapy?

The new natural therapy focuses on a profound understanding of the laws of the human body and the principle of disease. It is a system that can promote the self healing of the human body most effectively by using all means conducive to treatment and dialectical application. The new natural therapy covers everything, including traditional Chinese medicine, traditional health preserving methods, traditional Qigong, modern medical discoveries and theories, methods, means, instruments, medicine, nature, as well as Buddhist and Taoist medicine.

Can the new natural therapy solve common diseases such as gastritis, or serious diseases such as cancer, leukemia, stroke and paralysis?

The answer is of course. The new natural therapy can not only solve these problems, but only by following the framework of the new natural therapy can these diseases be treated quickly and completely. This is due to its attributes. The foundation is the foundation of a ten thousand zhang tall building. Without a foundation, where can a tall building start. Every disease has its source. Seize the source of the disease, kill people with pain, cut off the source of the disease, and the disease will collapse naturally. For example, if cancer uses the cycle theory and stress theory of the new natural therapy to open up the whole body meridians, promote the circulation of qi and blood, enhance self blood production, and fill with qi and blood, how can the tumor survive if mountains and seas wash away the deposits and dirt in the body? According to traditional Chinese medicine, general means no pain, and pain means no pain. Use new natural therapy to promote the vitality of the miracle doctors in the human body and promote the self healing of the human body. As for cancer, it is easy to grasp and solve. The main road is simple and the main road is true, that’s all.

So, from the whole article, it seems that exercise is emphasized. Can exercise solve the disease? Of course not. Athletes will still get sick, and their average life expectancy is not longer than that of ordinary people. Only under the framework of the new natural therapy can exercise therapy be properly applied and play its role.

So why should we use the word “new” for the new natural therapy.

The reason is that:

  1. The modern medical system needs a huge revolution to break the existing system and rebuild the new medical system.
  2. Different from the traditional natural therapy, the new natural therapy is a new perspective, a great way to treat diseases, and a head banging medical awakening.
  3. The new natural therapy does not exclude western medicine. Modern medicine has been studied and developed in several aspects. The first is the inspection means and achievements of modern medicine; The second is the pathological analysis of diseases, especially the research of new epidemic viruses; The third is the development of gene technology; The fourth is the development of cloning technology; The fifth is the development of surgical technology… These new technologies have epoch-making positive significance for human medical progress. It will have a profound impact on mankind and improve the quality of human life. However, since the new natural therapy is about using all means to solve human disease problems, it naturally includes these new technologies. The key is that these new technologies can fully and correctly maximize their functions under the theoretical framework of new natural therapy.
  4. The new natural therapy must also solve the new problems brought about by the development of new technology. For example, after organ transplantation, how to guide the new organ to integrate it with the main body and improve the quality of life after surgery. Because of improving the patient’s physique and immune ability, it is possible to reject the transplanted organs and urge the patient to die early. If patients take medicine for a long time and dare not exercise to improve their physique, their quality of life will be low and their early death will not be avoided. For example, for AIDS, these are unknown areas that need to be explored, studied, practiced and summarized.

The origin of new natural therapy determines its teaching attribute.

Such a teaching mode of diagnosis and treatment has been started in Shuyuan Medical College since a few years ago. The patients fill in the inquiry form in detail and send the examination report to us by taking photos. After detailed inquiry and understanding, they will be given treatment and conditioning plans, approved costs, one-time costs and lifelong guidance. Among them, the cost of teaching guidance is listed separately. The patients can purchase drugs and conditioning supplies by themselves. Only Shuyuan Medical College does not rely on selling medicine, does not expect a long run, and does not need patients to pay for the tuition of the last dog. But I hope that the patient will get better soon and recover completely, so that he can even cry in the room, feeling excited and glad that he is out of the pain. If neighbors ask each other, they will naturally go around and tell each other and come hand in hand. This seems to be the way of survival of Shuyuan Medical Taoist Church. This mode is the original intention and orthodoxy of medical ethics.

Now, looking back on the vast sea of suffering, the conscience of the parents who practice medicine, they wish they could have a broad body to protect the world from sickness and suffering