Expense description

【Announcement on the one-time charge】      

NOTICE:The charge of newnaturopathy.com is higher than that of traditional Chinese medicine, but far lower than that of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the Hospital.

why one-time charge?

In order to ensure the treatment effect of patients, this announcement is made because:

1.The patients follow the guidance of newnaturopathy.com. The recovery speed is often fast, and the patients tend to become complacent. They think it is almost good. The method is simple, and they refuse to pay follow-up fees to accept guidance. As we all know, for serious diseases, the disease is initially determined, and the influence of diet and rest on the disease is subtle. A little indulgence may lead to a loss of rehabilitation. In the past, out of compassion, it was possible for patients to pay by instalments. However, for this reason, some patients with severe diseases broke away from treatment and guidance, and eventually died. This is a disaster caused by compassion.

2.Because the patient is stingy with the follow-up payment, he has no courage to continue to ask questions, thus cutting off his way of learning from the doctor and following him with respect all his life. It should be noted that if you live a long and healthy life, how can you encourage yourself instead of relying on good knowledge? Hua Tuo is good at medicine and health preservation, so most of his disciples live a long and healthy life. Sun Simiao was good at healing and was keen on Taoist health preservation, so his disciples would surely live a long life if they followed him to learn and practice. Lao Tzu has lived for more than 150 years, and generations of Taoist practitioners, who follow Lao Tzu’s teachings, also tend to live a long and healthy life. In this life, we follow a teacher to learn, answer all questions, and we will always be healthy and safe. How can you break your way of happiness and wisdom for a little money. It should be noted that the fees charged by the Shuyuan Medical Road Hall are usually paid in full at one time for lifelong guidance. A one-time payment, life no longer seek medical advice, spend money wrongly, or even waste your life, which is more important?

3.If the patient is financially insufficient, he or she can turn to the society, the online charity platform, and rely on the power of ten parties to save himself or her family. If you are poor and can’t ask for help like this, you can only show that your filial piety has not arrived and your desire for survival has not been shown. You can read the Painting of Twenty four Filial Piety. You can hear the stories of the ancients who buried their children to save their mothers and lay on ice to beg for carp. There are also parents who spare no effort to recover themselves for the sake of children, so that their children will not lose their father’s love and mother’s love since childhood. If you are so kind, then you will have good thoughts and God will bless you.

4.For the contents within the scope of consultation and the syllabus, the courses are free of charge for life, such as sports courses, traditional Qigong, meditation, health preservation methods, etc.
The patient’s rehabilitation is first related to the patient’s own degree of active cooperation, modification of habits, and self denial. Second, it is related to whether the family members are assiduous. Third, it is related to whether the guidance of the newnaturopathy.com is correct. In the past clinical practice, most patients followed our guidance, and the speed and effect of rehabilitation were very obvious. But there are also some failures or ineffective cases.

5.There are several reasons for failure or ineffectiveness:

The first is that our past medical knowledge structure and cognition are not deep enough. If we apply our current knowledge and experience to past patients, more severe patients, including my mother, will be saved.

Second, it is more common for patients or their families to fail to follow orders and cooperate fully. “Master introduced the door, and the cultivation is in the individual”. For example, a patient with advanced lung cancer, who is slightly better, secretly smokes and indulges in desire, how can he be saved? The essence of medical treatment is that the teacher provides a way to save himself. For another example, a severe patient, who has been in bed for a long time, needs the family members to invest considerable energy, time and willingness to fully assist, such as giving decoction, massage and massage, sports assistance, diet care, etc. The more serious the illness is, the more difficult it is, and the more arduous the human assistance is required. There is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time, especially for the dying and critically ill patients. Those who can do their best are often those children who are not usually with their parents. In order to save their parents, they do their best to save their parents. Only then can they have miraculous effects and make no contributions.

The method we adhere to is the basic natural law of the human body and universal, which has been summarized by a large number of clinical practices of patients with severe diseases. In other words, no matter what the situation is, the rescue of critically ill patients and dying and endangered patients should follow these methods and frameworks in order to more effectively and fundamentally relieve the disease. If it is still irretrievable to follow these methods, it shows that the life is indeed exhausted, which is basically non-human. Treatment methods that do not follow the framework of these methods will only accelerate the deterioration and even death of patients.

What is a method framework?

For example, only newnaturopathy.com advocates promoting the metabolism of patients. Running water is incorruptible and household hinges are incorruptible. Only by actively promoting the metabolism of patients can they absorb the food and drugs they ingest, metabolize the side effects of drugs in time, and discharge metabolites (such as feces) in time.

We generally require patients to exercise or assist their exercise after three meals to promote digestion and metabolism. This requirement seems simple, but it is actually very important. On the other hand, patients in hospital are confined in the ward every day, either lying or sitting, or walking idly. Not to mention the patients, they are ordinary people. If they stay in the hospital for a few days, they will also lose their energy, energy and spirit, relax their muscles and bones, and lose their appetite. Those with ordinary physique may also suffer from this disease.

This is an example, a therapeutic outline that we advocate. Of course, in addition to the outline, there are also some very detailed and highly effective conditioning methods and rehabilitation methods in the middle and late stages.

Based on the above objective conditions, in order to reduce troubles and disputes, newnaturopathy.com does not promise curative effect, and there will be no refund if it is invalid. Please fully understand that patients are willing to accept further inquiries.